My experiences about Cranfield MBA ..... and beyond

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Ring out the old, ring in the new………..and stop that clock!

I wish a very happy New Year to all readers.

This morning, as I woke up, nothing had really changed. It was bright and sunny out there and the clock had just ticked past 10 am. I had enjoyed the New Year party at Anthony’s place, playing party games, joking while having wine and champagne and apple juice. Another year crosses over and a new one begins.

It was just 12 days ago that we had seen the end of Term 1 and ……..what 12 days have gone. Only 9 left! And in pity (for myself) I plopped back in bed only to pull myself out of my cosy bed a few moments later. Much as I may want to laze around, there was work to do. I had to clean up the mess I had created in my room…..after all you do begin a new year with a resolution, don’t you? So what if the resolutions are forgotten within next few days.

By lunchtime, I was kind of awake, having completed my daily chores and forced myself to cook an omelette. Then I sat down to make a list of things I need to do for the coming week. In 5 minutes I had written down tasks that seemed to be requiring 5 weeks for completion. And that’s when I really woke up. Gosh! I had allowed time to slip by me for all these days while I was lazing around, addicted to net and movies on my laptop. All my plans of reviewing PMI, French lessons and finalizing electives had been on the back burner while I was recouping after term 1. I was even due for a hair cut. After all good habits take time to develop, but bad habits can set in so quickly. I was reminded of Prof. Richard K mentioning in the very early OB lectures – “………during the term break, most students would be off campus; those who are on campus would be mostly found sleeping……..” And we had just laughed that away, not realizing that it would eventually be proven true.

This is how time flies by at Cranfield. Four months ago, I had arrived here wondering how the next twelve months will be. I here am, having covered one-third of the journey. Have a covered some grounds? The answer is a definite “Yes”. For one, I came here with some stereotypes and they are fast disappearing. I am doing things I never imagined I could do. And above all, I am learning new lessons of life. But there is only one thing I can’t control or do much about – and that is Time.

I don’t want time to pass by so quickly. Some one stop that clock, please!!!!!!!


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