My experiences about Cranfield MBA ..... and beyond

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Two down, many more to go!

In the last eight days Green, Blue and Red stream have had their second WACs – and this time it was on Accounting.

It is a very interesting phenomenon when WAC is in the air. The WAC-day is like a roller coaster ride. When one gets the WAC case at 1130 hours on the scheduled Friday, there are no visible expressions. Each team gets together to discuss their views, thoughts and doubts after the individual reading period of approximately 2 hours. The volunteers for the roles of the scribe, facilitator, devil’s advocate, etc. also get their individual reading done. Post lunch the stream gets together to have the stream dump. By this time, most students are unsure if they have cracked the WAC or not. So we all look forward to the stream dump.

Stream dump has every team coming up with a basic view of what they perceive the solution to be. The experts in the subject play the role of Devil’s advocates. The minutes are documented by another volunteer and these are share with the stream after the dump is over. Then the individuals are on their own. Pizzas wait for us at 1830 hours – these are organized by the other stream representatives. Then each of us head for our favourite places – for some it is the MIRC, for a few others it is the Computer Studio and for many others back home or room is the place to curl in.

The day is a typical depiction of a normal curve. The day progress and so do we – climbing up the curve with information, understanding and knowledge. But by the night falls, the downslide on the curve has happened without any cause. Am I on the right track? Do I understand this clearly? And a few more self doubts start creeping in. The last year orienteers’ had told us “It is normal.” But…….

By midnight the submissions begin. And it is an interesting fact finding mission for the next day – who was the first to submit his / her WAC?

Plop! In goes the WAC folder and when you sign that sheet at the security desk, you are suddenly overcome with a feeling of eternal bliss and joy. The WAC has been lassoed! The two for the Term 1 are down. Now we enjoy the break from WACs; till they come back in Term 2.


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