My experiences about Cranfield MBA ..... and beyond

Monday, November 15, 2004

Say what you want to say

Tony Suckling was back. This time he was armed with his “Top Ten Tips” for our team presentations scheduled later this month.

“Death by Power point” is a phrase that I had heard occasionally, but I never really paid too much attention to it. Now, when I am going through these sessions on presentation skills, I realize the follies that most presenters commit, including myself. And the tips were very basic, simple but profound ones:

Enthusiasm (no presentation can ever be successful without this from the presenter)
Stories (people love it)
Impact points (easy?)
Keep it simple, stupid (obvious?)
Build rapport (really helps, as we have seen when Steve and Tony present)
6. Confident appearance – dress for impact (you need to see Steve to understand this)
7. Structure (really helps)
8. Use of time: shorter, the better (who has it anyways?)
9. Edit material (else you are dead)
10. Set clear objectives (tell them what you’re going to tell them; tell them; then tell them what you told them. Clear?)

It will be our endeavour to apply most of these learnings’ in our SMS and OM presentations in the coming weeks. I am looking forward to it.


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