Hindsight is a beautiful thing
No pun intended guys :-)
So many times in your life, you are reminded of instances from the past and you suddenly exclaim, "Eureka! Thats makes sense now!". It is this hindsight that I refer to. As someone said, "every decision is right or wrong....only in hindsight."
I've been working in industry for over 14 years now, but something that I consistently see is the inability of most managers to separate the personality from the position. Myself included ......... sometimes. Or would it be better to say, "it is the manager's unwillingness to do so"?
One of my previous line managers back in India had helped me understand this and it remains rooted in my approach at work place. I am not the chair I hold! Therefore, when I speak, write or discuss, I am the vehicle for that position. Equally my audience are people occupying different positions and the onus is on me to ensure that I (the position) addresses to Them (the position). For some, this may sound complicated or absurd and I guess it is just the way I am spelling it out.
I share this because I see examples galore where the personalities take control of the positions and in turn sow the seed of communication issues / clashes.
Trust me chaps, following this unwritten law of management isn't easy. I guess no MBA course would teach this. It comes with experience and hindsight.
So many times in your life, you are reminded of instances from the past and you suddenly exclaim, "Eureka! Thats makes sense now!". It is this hindsight that I refer to. As someone said, "every decision is right or wrong....only in hindsight."
I've been working in industry for over 14 years now, but something that I consistently see is the inability of most managers to separate the personality from the position. Myself included ......... sometimes. Or would it be better to say, "it is the manager's unwillingness to do so"?
One of my previous line managers back in India had helped me understand this and it remains rooted in my approach at work place. I am not the chair I hold! Therefore, when I speak, write or discuss, I am the vehicle for that position. Equally my audience are people occupying different positions and the onus is on me to ensure that I (the position) addresses to Them (the position). For some, this may sound complicated or absurd and I guess it is just the way I am spelling it out.
I share this because I see examples galore where the personalities take control of the positions and in turn sow the seed of communication issues / clashes.
Trust me chaps, following this unwritten law of management isn't easy. I guess no MBA course would teach this. It comes with experience and hindsight.
Yours is an eminently readable blog. It did stir some memories. I am from the class of 2002.
Sagar Tanksali, at 29 March 2007 at 11:34:00 BST
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