My experiences about Cranfield MBA ..... and beyond

Monday, March 07, 2005

Over and done with!

Ahhhhhh! A sense of relaxed feeling washed all over us this weekend. We have bid goodbye to Written Assessment of a Case (WAC).

Two WACs in a fortnight are a difficult pill to take and our batch gulped the second WAC down our throat this week. Financial Management and Macroeconomics were lassoed this weekend by Red and Green streams. The two WACs are quite similar and yet contrasting to each other. While both involve a lot of numbers, it is the approach that is unique to each subject. While both involve "science", there is a big element of "art" too. But while one is looking at a firm and a specific problem, the other is looking at a country as a whole and even beyond. The outcome is nearly the same - not in terms of content but the way it is presented.

An interesting observation from the four WACs across the two terms has been a reinforcement of reality - your past can come to haunt you. So when you are here to learn, stash away your stereotypes and learning's - approach each task with a fresh, open mind.

So, we had situations where qualified accountants floundered in the Accounting and Financial Management WACs. We also had students with Economics background fumbling in the Microeconomics WAC. And why? Because understanding or knowing your subject is as important as presenting it. While it is not about formatting your report with glossy colour, etc., it is more about keeping in mind what your reader would need. Isn't that true about real corporate life? Many of us make business cases for strategic proposals and when they are turned down or rejected, we crib and shout, "Why does s/he not understand what I mean?"
Well, no marks for guessing who is on the wrong!

So, while all of us enjoy the feeling "WACs are over and done with", in my heart I know, we all will miss it too in the next two terms. I am conscious that post Cranfield MBA, someone just might ask me, "Give me three things that you took away from Cranfield MBA".

I know the top item in my list - WAC!!!!!


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