My experiences about Cranfield MBA ..... and beyond

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I need help!

Fi Ivin – an expert in Image management – addressed us this evening and shared some eye-opening points that need due attention.
While we all know of corporate branding, today’s session was with a difference – it was about Personal Branding. Cranfield Careers had rolled out a competition a few weeks ago inviting students to apply with a portfolio of their pictures. One student each (male and female) were to be selected by the image consultant and a free consulting day was on the offer.
The evening started with Fi explaining the importance of managing your external personality and what critical difference it can make to one's career. While I listened to her, I was reminded of a quote I read somewhere:
“I’m sick of hearing that beauty is only skin-deep. That’s deep enough! What do you want - a n adorable pancreas??????” - Anonymous
But the message is subtle – we need to not just have content in terms of knowledge, hard and soft skills; we also need to know how we appear to the world. And it is not without reason – after all, do we not get impressed by well dressed, clean and neat personalities? Do we feel like interacting with someone who is shabby or untidy or has long, dirty nails? My choice would be same as that of anyone else.
If one works on one's image, the transformation can be a revolution. We saw this is the "before and after" images of a few individuals on screen. Then to reinforce this reality, we were introduced to Neil and Hillary - the winners of the competition. They appeared before us in the transformed status. Using their personal examples, Fi explained the importance of the right shade of colours for our attire and how it can enhance your personality. Her explaination also included the appropriateness of shoes, tie and even the cut of ones jacket. It was quite a thought provoking experience.
To end it all, we all were asked to answer a questionnaire where we had to tick off our choices from a list of 15. Anyone who had less than 8 ticks, needed help. It is needless to mention how many ticks I had.......


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